Wednesday, October 15, 2014

D.I.Y. Taco Seasoning

Taco Seasoning
Taco Seasoning
I used to be the queen of packaged seasoning, if they made it I tried it.  It never really occurred to me that I could just as easily make most of these seasoning with spices that I already had in my pantry.   It wasn't until I was in the middle of browning some ground meat to make tacos that I realized I was missing one key ingredient--the taco seasoning--and I was forced to make due with what I had. That was a fateful day indeed. Enlightening and freeing! I no longer buy pre-made seasonings.  I just make my own.  This taco seasoning is equally as good as the prepackaged mix that I used to buy, except it doesn't have any cornstarch or any of the other fillers that packaged seasonings tend to have.
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Prep time: 5 minutes
Servings: 1/4 cup or one package of taco seasoning
1 Tablespoon Cumin
1 teaspoon coriander
1/2 teaspoon of smoked paprika
1 teaspoon of onion powder
1 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon of chili powder (optional)
Directions: Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl until well combined. Add the entire contents to browned ground meat, or try it out in my recipe for Makeover Chicken Taco's

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